What do you think?

What do you think of this little advert?

What do you think of this little advert?

This is a little ad I used in the new Hilton Village Covered Brochure. What do you think? Let me know, with suggestions……

3 thoughts on “What do you think?

  1. Shan Cade

    I recently won the prize at a PCB function of attending REAL’s first PR Boot Camp. What a prize …….
    The boot camp was a wealth of information and will assist me in getting my PR for Harmie and Shanie Com cc up to standard.
    This workshop would have been real value for money if I had paid to attend it.
    I recommend Dee’s training and facilitation indeed.

    Shan Cade
    Member – Harmie and Shanie Com cc

  2. Thobile Mdunge

    Had the opportunity to attend the REAL PR Boot Camp! It was highly informative. The training covered all the fundamentals of Public Relations that one needs for business. Thank you Dee for sharing your knowledge and I wish you all the best.
    REAL Communication is REAL!

    Thobile Mdunge
    Shuter & Shooter Publishers

  3. (Mzala) Celo. S. Ndlovu

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