Tag Archives: share

Words, words, words – Powerful and Persuasive

imagesWords, words, words – the Most Persuasive Words I love words. I use them constantly. I’m in awe of their power and influence. I also love gleaning and collecting all sorts of interesting facts, ideas and opinions from all sorts of sources. I file them knowing there’ll be an opportunity to use or share them, either in conversations, lectures, workshops or in writing. As I sat in Cape Town this week waiting to pitch a proposal, wondering whether I’d be successful, I suddenly remembered I had “Stumbled Upon” a list of the108 Most persuasive words in the English Language back in 2013! I was pleased to see I regularly use a good number of them across all my activities and work. So I’ll give you my word list. And I’ll tell you later if my words managed to persuade my audience!

Achieve      Act     Adopt      Align      Analyse     Apply       Ask     Assess    Bridge       Build     Change     Choose      Clarify      Collaborate     Communicate    Connect            Contribute        Create        Decide     Define    Deliver    Design       Develop    Diagnose Engage   Ensure    Ethical    Explore      Evaluate     Establish     Find    Focus                    Foresee      Gather    Generate     Goals      Identify      Implement      Improve     Inspire                  Lead      Learn     Leverage      Manage    Measure     Motivate     Performance     Prepare Position   Plan        Research      Respond       Scan       Share       Solve      Simplify                Skills        Sustain       Train         Transform       Understand       Use    Values      Win.words 1

Meanwhile you can find the full list somewhere in “Stumbled Upon”…..