Tag Archives: PR strategy

Register now for the PR Boot Camp

Public Relations Boot Camp registration form

In this comprehensive series of workshops you will learn important information and skills to assist you and your business to strategically plan to build relationships with your publics or stakeholders. Understanding public relations in a wider context rather than simply in terms of publicity and events, and leveraging all opportunities to engage with your stakeholders, will give you the competitive edge, as well as enhance your corporate reputation.
What will participants learn?
 Strategic approach to PR
 Corporate culture, Identity,
 Image and Reputation
 Stakeholder relations
 PR Techniques
What Topics are covered?
 Role, function and approach to PR
 Planning PR messages and activities
 Mission Statement & Values
 Corporate Identity & Brand
 The Media and PR
 Use of PR techniques & tools

Pre-Registration Information
Yes! I would like to attend PR Boot Camp!

Sign me up for the following workshops:
21 May 28 May
04 June 11 June (circle your choice)

All workshops are from 8.30 – 12:30

Each workshop costs R 500.
If you attend ALL 4 you pay R 1 800 in advance.

Your Information

Name: _______________________

Position: _______________________

Organisation: ____________________

Tel/Cel: ______________________

Email Add: _________________________

Payment to:

D L Viney ABSA Bank Code 632005 Account No 4070604371

Please email proof of payment with the completed form.