Tag Archives: Circle dance

Back by popular demand – another ME Morning!

Guilt-free ME Morning
Now on a Saturday for those who missed out last time……

You are invited to enjoy a morning of
Quality, effective ME time!
Leave your chores and troubles behind &
take a drive to the spectacular site of
The Barn, at Kwanyoni, Hilton
On Saturday, 19 October
From 9.00 – 12.30

The subject is ME!
That’s YOU! Celebrate who you are with…..
a presentation on Self Esteem by Deborah Don
a talk on a New Season for YOU by Desrae Coventry
a circle dance, some Tai Chi, much conversation,
coffee, tea & eats.
You’ll receive and share information, ideas and concepts –
some new, some old, some you know, some you don’t want to know, others you’ll want to explore and embrace!

Just come, relax and enjoy yourself.

The cost is R 200 per person

Details and RSVP: Desiray (Dee) Viney

Cel: 082 875 7194 Fax: 086 648 9895 Email: dviney@realcommunications.co.za