Tag Archives: Brian Tracy

REAL’s May Newsletter

Moving ahead with PR Boot Camp workshops
These are aimed at local businesses, groups, NPO & public service employees and individuals who want to strategize around Public Relations planning to build and improve stakeholder relationships.

The workshops take participants through an intensive process of engagement, using new information and relating it to their own work situations. Participants interact with people from different companies and groups, sharing their experiences; while the workshop manual acts as a personal record, report or workbook of what can be done and applied in the workplace.

These two full-day workshops will take place on Tuesdays 4 June and 11 June at Chamber House, at the Royal Show Grounds, PMB. from 8.30 to 4.30 pm.

Social Media is quite a challenge
Although I’ve managed to get onto Twitter, FaceBook and LinkedIn and had a few hits and comments on the REAL website, it’s not yet converting into business in a monetary sense. It’s also very depressing when my monthly report comes from FaceBook, telling me I’ve made -80% progress! Any suggestions would be welcome. Ty Bache of Smashing Web Development has been a star! But as I said before, it’s an ongoing and growing process!

“It is not failure itself that holds people back; it’s the fear of failure that paralyzes you.” – Brian Tracy

The future seems quite bright
I’ve joined PMB Chamber of Business and Business Network International and met many new people who will refer my services to others, hopefully. I’m extending my “list of experts” – experienced practitioners in various areas like social media, marketing, web design, writing and editing, DTP etc. As I network and grow I will be needing these experts when I outsource specific tasks.

I am still in on-going talks with a high-profile, accomplished Corporate Communication and Branding expert, hoping that we could collaborate on certain future projects.

Blogs flowing slowly
Thus far, I have written blogs on a range of topics. My work-in-progress is a summary and comment on the little book entitled “How to fix South Africa – the country’s leading thinkers on what must be done to create jobs” edited by Ray Hartley. In a nutshell, it’s all been said before… we know we need to train people for the job market and for self-employment, but we can’t rely on government or big business to do it all. We must start a bottom-up approach by getting the youth into small businesses where they can be skilled, without demanding high salaries!